In 1945, the Soviet Union seized the southern half of Sakhalin Island and the Kurile Islands, which Japan still claims...
Naming one's successor enfeebles oneself, and although Putin may want to anoint his successor, he will avoid doing so...
Christmas commemorates Jesus Christ's birth, with the Christian Calendar counting years from this event, historically...
While political parties engage in mutual blame game and communal organizations attempt to capitalize on the situation,...
By relentlessly promoting his Big Lie Theory and exploiting fears around immigration and economic hardship, Trump drew...
The Home Rule Party, dominant in Ireland and advocating a Dublin parliament for internal affairs, inspired India's Home...
Relations between Beijing and London are cool. The UK is highly cognizant of China’s aid to Russia during the war
Binyamin Netanyahu, regarded by some as one of the evillest men, is an Islamophobe and anti-Arab racist who exploits the...
Gandhi's assertion that ‘the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’ resonated with me...
As the US presidential election is on its course with two strong candidates emerging as possible contenders for the...
Introducing reforms in the electoral system requires substantial Constitutional amendments and modifications to The...
Top UK universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College, are celebrated for their world-class education and...
Reports indicate that over 1 million tweets and 12 million Facebook posts highlighted past abuse against women in...
It is bizarre that in a country of 330 million people, the two parties put forward geriatrics, with Trump being an...