This branch of the renowned Dadabhai Travel agency, known for managing diverse Umrah groups globally, brings its...
Staff will be strategically deployed at 98 ambulance centers, spanning entry points, pilgrim paths, and sacred sites.
GCC chief highlights unified vision for regional integration
For the first time, 32,000 Indian Hajis will travel from Jeddah to Makkah by high-speed train, reducing travel time...
Nazaha emphasizes that according to royal directives, all officials found responsible must be held accountable.
Sheikh Dr Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, President of Religious Affairs, called it the presidency's most extensive religious...
The event will demonstrate how artificial intelligence is utilized to manage and control Hajj crowds effectively.
The ministry emphasized that no type of visit visa permits performing Hajj.
The procedure aims to maintain the cleanliness and integrity of the kiswa, to prevent it from being soiled as pilgrims...
Director General Ibrahim AlOmar announced at the conference that the first delivery is scheduled for 2026.
Saudi authorities have revealed plans for a new airport in Riyadh designed to handle 120 million passengers annually.
Services include issuing electronic Hajj visas, collecting biometric data, and completing passport procedures.
Saudi teachers who have memorized the holy Qur'an will spearhead these sessions, aimed to enhance the pilgrimage...
During the Hajj season, the centre operates round-the-clock, providing journalists with communal workspaces and...