Amidst internal conflicts, the backdrop of the series also features the turmoil of India's fight for liberation from...
The film delves into the extraordinary life of Srikanth Bolla, who overcame visual impairment to become a trailblazing...
With the 27-track second act of her "Renaissance" trilogy, she also made history by being the first Black woman to reach...
"Crew" revolves around the lives of three air hostesses portrayed by Kareena, Kriti, and Tabu, and has garnered praise...
It remains to be seen who the makers will choose to fill the role now that two prominent actresses from Tamil cinema...
The Idukki diocese screened 'The Kerala Story' to students as part of its annual summer catechism program, as an...
Gangu Ramsay's creative vision contributed significantly to over 50 iconic films under the Ramsay Brothers banner.
The upcoming Tamil film, directed by Shankar, is a sequel to the vigilante action thriller "Indian," which came out in...
"Many people said we had done this in secret... it was a private ceremony for those whom we know."
Addressing the apprehensions of producers regarding the financial risks associated with female-led action films, Sanon...
Titled 'Defiance: Fighting the Far Right', the three-part series uncovers the untold stories of the South Asian...
The captions accompanying the images simply state, "CHAMKILA 12th April," hinting at the movie's release date.
Shabana Raza, known for her roles in films like "Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet," "Fiza," and "Kareeb," among others, is poised to...
Villeneuve has time and again expressed a desire to conclude the story of "Dune" with a third part, adapted from "Dune:...