Earlier, the Panvel police had arrested four persons after getting a tip-off in September-October last year about a...
The film will be released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi, promising to...
"After 6 years we have finally avenged Pewdiepie," read the note attached to his post.
He was to be honoured with the National Association of Broadcasters' Service to America Award next Tuesday
The costs associated with a star's entourage also contribute to the skewed economics.
Reflecting on her current career, Neena Gupta described working on Panchayat as an "exciting phase" in her life.
Bollywood is currently facing severe financial challenges, with industry insiders frequently lamenting a lack of funds.
Inspired by a movie scene, Aavesham, the YouTuber, built a makeshift swimming pool inside the car and drove it through...
“Monica Oru AI Story” portrays the life of a child with ADHD. His parents are unaware that his behavioral issues stem...
Despite being promised a 40 percent profit share, Siraj has not received any payment from the producers, resulting in an...
The 'All Eyes on Rafah' gained traction after Dr Rick Peeperkorn, Director of the WHO’s OPT office, warned that an...
A number of well-known people have acknowledged that they suffer from ADHD
"I think this movie does a good job of showing how AI could go incredibly wrong, and this is how it could go really...
The event showcases narratives from Muslim filmmakers and productions inspired by Muslim culture and faith.