Dubai launches 'Smart' inspection vehicles for Metro and Tram

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has initiated the trial operation of 'smart' inspection vehicles equipped with cameras and advanced intelligence systems. These vehicles will monitor violations, detect restricted activities and identify damages within the Dubai Metro and Tram networks.

The initiative aims to provide full coverage of inspection areas, expedite report preparation and ensure the reliability of inspection outputs.

Abdulrahman Al Janahi, director of Rail Right of Way, highlighted the benefits of the new technology. He said, “This technology will not only improve the efficiency of our inspections but also help us quickly identify and address any issues, ensuring the safety and reliability of our rail services. The smart inspection vehicle uses artificial intelligence to keep up with rail network advancements.”

The introduction of these vehicles is expected to reduce human errors in inspections and provide solid support for informed decision-making regarding the rail infrastructure.
