Stay away from gadgets at night for better sleep

New Delhi: The journey to the land of nod is not easy today. Do you know where land of nod is—it is sleep, the comfy cavern in your brain where you finally snuggle up.

Millions don't sleep. Many toss about in the bed through the night, trying to catch at least forty winks. The problem today is close to being endemic, as most people burn midnight oil with smartphones.

It is less likely that you get a healthy night of sleep if you go on swiping your smartphone. There is this blue light to roust you out of the bed. Beware of it, according to multiple studies.

One study published in Journal of Sleep Research monitored58 adults who kept a diary. They went on recording the time they spent on gadgets before bed as well as location of use, alongside multitasking.

Electroencephalography tests were used in the study to detect electrical activity of the brain. The small metal discs attached to the scalp captured facts including bedtime, total sleep time, and sleep quality.

The upside of the study is limiting your time with a gadget is helpful. If so, you are unlikely to have 'negative out comes' in sleep despite listening to music or watching TV for a short period before going to bed.

The bane of gadget use is the blue light emitting from them. Chances are high for insomnia from blue light coming out of cell phones.

Multiple studies say that blue light interferes with melatonin production. Remember, this hormone controls the sleep-wake cycle or what is called the circadian rhythm.

Most youngsters who socialize on gadget late into the night are prone to sleep disorders. In most cases, they don't particularly complain of insomnia in the beginning. Over time, their sleep-wake cycle could take a hard knock.

If you are nagged by sleep disorders, the best first solution is to stop use phone in bed. Take a book from your library, start reading. After a time, the words will carry you down the land of the nod. And if the sleep problem is chronically persistent, get professional help.
