Chronic lack of sleep in childhood linked to higher risk of psychosis in adulthood: research

A recent study suggests that children experiencing persistent sleep deprivation from infancy might face an elevated risk of developing psychosis in early adulthood.

Examining the sleep patterns of approximately 12,400 children from ages 6 months to 7 years, researchers discovered that those consistently getting insufficient sleep were over twice as likely to develop a psychotic disorder during early adulthood.

Furthermore, these children were nearly four times more likely to encounter a psychotic episode, characterized by a disconnection from reality and potential hallucinations.

Lead author Isabel Morales-Munoz from the University of Birmingham, UK, noted that while chronic sleep deprivation in childhood might not directly cause psychosis later in life, it could serve as a contributing factor, which parents can help address.

Although prior studies have associated sleep problems with psychosis, this research is the first to establish a strong correlation between chronic sleep deprivation and the likelihood of experiencing psychosis, as reported in The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatry.

Morales-Munoz highlighted the importance of recognizing when persistent sleep issues require intervention, emphasizing that addressing such problems could be crucial in mitigating psychiatric issues in adulthood.

Additionally, the study examined data from approximately 4,000 adults at age 24. While it revealed a robust link between chronic childhood sleep deprivation and adult psychosis, the researchers caution that a causal relationship has not been definitively proven and that other related factors warrant investigation.

For instance, the study assessed immune system health by measuring inflammation levels in blood samples from nine-year-olds. The results suggested that compromised immune function might partially explain the connection between sleep deprivation and psychosis. However, the researchers acknowledge the presence of other unidentified factors that may also play a significant role.

Understanding the impact of proper sleep hygiene on mental health could be vital in facilitating early intervention for youth struggling with mental illness, Morales-Munoz added.
