US woman becomes pregnant while already being pregnant

A 30-year-old Cara Winhold from Texas in the US believes the twins she had borne inside her womb were a miracle. She delivered identical twins. Her pregnancy, however, now is viral online not because of the twins but because of her unusual pregnancy.

Winhold became pregnant while she was already pregnant. However, it was not a thing that is alien to medical science. Such a condition is called superfetation and rarely occurs though.

Superfetation occurs when two eggs are fertilized during separate instances of ovulation, which is different from the twins are conceived.

According to Healthline, in superfetation, one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, and another egg is accepted during a secondary ovulatory cycle while twins are conceived during the same ovulatory cycle.

Ms Winhold is reported to have suffered three miscarriages before her this twin. Recalling the sufferings through which she had gone, Ms Winhold said it was 100 per cent sure for her the pregnancy was a miracle.

A 2013 study by Trusted Source suggests these foetuses are usually conceived between 2 and 4 weeks apart, so it's likely to be something that happens within a short window of time after the first conception. Considering that the average length of time between menstrual cycles is about 28 days Trusted Source, that makes sense.
