Swami Chakrapani Maharaj also proposed that the landing site of Chandrayaan-3 should be developed as the capital of the...
"Many women scientists and engineers have handled many important responsibilities such as project director and project...
Now questions are being raised about the justification of bearing such a huge expenditure of Rs 350 crore, which is...
We are capable of travelling more to the moon, Mars or Venus…But, we have to enhance our confidence for that…besides...
The PM made the announcements while addressing a gathering of scientists at the Indian Space Research Organization...
"Every corner of the world not only Indians, people who believe in science, future of the humanity are celebrating the...
The Lunar Module made soft landing near Moon’s south polar region on Wednesday evening, making India the first country...
The video posted by Pakistani YouTuber Sohaib Chaudhry shows a Pakistani citizen humorously saying that Pakistanis are...
We must take this historic moment to thank thousands of scientists at ISRO who brought the dreams of a limitless sky to...
'It’s an incredible feat for all the scientists and engineers involved. We are proud to partner with you on this mission...
"What really stands out is that India is the first country to land on the South Pole of the moon, where many others have...
Its launch was delayed to allow time for the dust stirred up by the Vikram lander's touchdown to settle.
With this, India becomes the first country ever to successfully land a spacecraft near the moon’s south pole and the...
The success of the mission is of prime importance to India, which will become the fourth country to master the...