Priyanka Chopra stands in solidarity with Palestinian children amidst conflict

Actress Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram to voice support for Palestinian children affected by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Sharing a post via her Instagram Stories, Chopra echoed the urgent call for a ceasefire in Palestine, emphasising the grave impact on numerous children and minors amidst the ongoing Israeli bombardment.

The original content, sourced from UNICEF, highlighted the pressing need for humanitarian aid and intervention to safeguard affected children globally.

Chopra’s Instagram story, posted on December 11, reinforced the plea for a ceasefire in Palestine, shedding light on the distressing situation faced by children and minors grappling with casualties and displacement due to the continuous Israeli bombings. The shared UNICEF post, an advocacy for children’s rights and welfare, stressed the imperative necessity of a lasting ceasefire for the safety and well-being of children affected by conflict.

An impactful quote Chopra reshared was attributed to UNICEF’s executive director Catherine Russell, stating, "Children need a lasting humanitarian ceasefire."

On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra has been featured in the spy thriller series 'Citadel,' now available on Amazon Prime Video. Stepping into the character of Nadia Sinh, a proficient spy, she is preparing for the series’ second season. Furthermore, Chopra is involved in two upcoming projects: the action film 'Heads of State' and 'Jee Le Zaraa,' directed by Farhan Akhtar.
