Biden ordered US flags lowered to half-staff "as a mark of respect for the victims" and repeated his call for lawmakers...
The President also announced that Washington is temporarily suspending operations at the US Embassy in Sudan.
"We are committed to continuing working together and in groups like the Quad to advance economic growth for our two...
Israel is a sovereign country and makes decisions by the will of its people
Biden made a howler on Friday after he mistakenly hailed China while delivering a speech at the Canadian parliament...
"I'm a capitalist. But just pay your fair share," Biden said in his speech. "And I think a lot of you at home agree with...
In her presidential campaign so far, Haley has pitched for youth and a new generation of leadership.
A skin lesion removed from US President Joe Biden's chest last month was a basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin...
Several details have emerged of US President Joe Biden's secret trip to Kiev, including the banning of phones during the...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is approaching its one-year anniversary.
Munich: China called the United States' reaction, stating Chinese balloons as spy probe, as "hysterical and absurd",...
President’s medical exam comes as three-quarters of Americans believe Biden is too old to lead the nation
Indian-American economist Bharat Ramamurti and four others have been named by US President Joe Biden as key members of...
The US military downed the suspected Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean last week, drawing a strong reaction...