At a press conference held on Friday, spokespersons from various advocacy groups in the country also raised concerns...
US President Biden was invited to the Republic Day celebrations by Prime Minister Modi during the bilateral meeting on...
Biden had arrived at the national capital on the evening of September 8, Friday, to attend the summit
Greater trade between the nations would be made possible by the rail and maritime corridor, including trading in energy...
President Biden also voiced support for India's bid for a permanent seat on a reformed UN Security Council and India's...
Modi by now is an expert handler of American Presidents. He has come a long way from the early “Barack, Barack” days...
Xi had earlier said he would travel to New Delhi for the Summit, but China's Foreign Ministry did not confirm his...
The Biden administration is already facing criticism that his government was too slow to respond to the disaster. Biden...
The incident took place in Utah’s Provo while FBI agents were attempting to serve an arrest warrant against the accused...
The PM was received by Union Minister of State for External Affairs Meenakashi Lekhi and BJP chief J P Nadda at the...
The proposed agreement, which enables the Indian scientific community to collaborate with the US Army program to send a...
This significant decision will help thousands of Indian Professionals as they will not have to travel outside the US for...
The two leaders had very productive talks, first in a smaller bilateral meeting and then in an extended one.
‘ Das Danam’ included in the gift to Biden signifies that the person who receives it has seen one thousand full moons,...