The Kingdom’s UN representative emphasised cybersecurity's crucial role in safeguarding national interests and security.
The team from New Delhi-based non-profit organisation CyberPeace alleged that 1,00,000 lines of fresh user data from...
The event is dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity awareness with creative and engaging techniques.
The alleged database comprises the name of the mobile user, their phone numbers, residential addresses, Aadhaar details,...
The word 'admin', which, most likely, is one of the passwords that people do not bother changing, made it among this...
The Chinese action comes after US and Europe announced new restrictions on the sale of key technology to Beijing
After a hacking attack on computer servers around the world, Italy's National Cybersecurity Agency has warned...
"These predictions should allow individuals and businesses of all scales and sizes, to prepare for their upcoming...
The certificate was reportedly posted online, putting millions of devices at danger of malware attacks, reports...
Jharkhand is a 'focus state' in the field of cyber security, as the Jamtara module remains a challenge for the entire...
Hive also attacked Indian power generation company Tata Power in October. The Mumbai based company had said that the...
There will be specialized training courses in the field with accredited certificates, in addition to a number of...
Switzerland's International Institute for Management Development's World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) for 2022 ranked...
Chinese cybersecurity company Antiny Labs has supposedly identified a group of hackers based in Delhi who have been...