The repeated arrests of Tamil Nadu fishermen have deeply distressed the local fishing community, leading to calls for...
The fishermen were fishing next to Neduntheevu in the Palkbay Sea area, and the Sri Lankan Navy arrested them and seized...
The accused allegedly "bombarded" victims phone with nude pictures; the victim testified that the accused gave him oral...
Affected elderly woman had refused his compensation of Rs 15,000; she accused the flight crew of being passive in...
Apple AirTags tracks items such as keys, wallets, purses, backpacks, luggage etc.; It sends out a secure Bluetooth...
Birbhum: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday ordered the arrest of local Trinamool Congress leader Anirul Hossain...
Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Police on Sunday arrested a popular tattoo artist in Kochi over accusations of rape,...
Karnataka : Two Constables, deployed at the residence of Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai as security officers, from the...
Kirmani Manoj one among the key accused in the murder case of TP Chanderashekaran was arrested from a party at Wayanad ....
Kasganj (UP): In a bizarre case, the Uttar Pradesh police claim they have uncovered a sensational case in which a man,...