'Madhyamam' joins prayers for people who lost everything in Kerala's biggest disaster in recent times
The United States and Europe understand that Israel is playing with fire when it is expanding war zones without ending...
The US Congress witnessed a rare sight: a protest organized with the victims, right in the very same assembly where the...
It is natural for students to declare that nepotism is unacceptable in a country where unemployment is rampant
The question is not why Biden quit the race now, but why he didn't do earlier
As Max Boot pointed out in the Washington Post, the British and French election results show that moderates from both...
The undeclared sanctions imposed by the 1st and 2nd Modi governments without paying their due share of taxes to the...
The only similar story the world has seen before is that of Nazi Germany, where all Jews were required to display a Star...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) emphasizes that it is the duty of nations to not encourage illegal occupations.
Advocates of democracy should reiterate the question of the apex court: what is the point of one getting citizenship...
It is bizarre that in a country of 330 million people, the two parties put forward geriatrics, with Trump being an...
Unless the caste-capitalist notion that a cleaner's life is less valuable than that of machinery is given up, it is...
Having the Deputy Speaker from the opposition is a healthy democratic practice that reflects pluralism and mutual...
Keir Starmer, the new PM of the UK, faces significant challenges, including reforms in the healthcare, public sector pay...