YouTuber invents robotic legs for snakes to walk, Netizens are impressed

YouTuber Allen Pan is garnering views for creating robotic legs for a snake to help it in walking. He wrote: "Giving snakes their legs back."

Pan identifies as a snake lover and decided to create robotic legs for the reptile to demonstrate the same. He called the machinery a set of robot legs that equip snakes with limbs that biology unjustly denied them.

He starts the video by saying people want him to admit that he is an animal abuser because he caught a wild snake in another video. Pan goes on to say that he has to prove that he is a snake lover because he feels bad that snakes lose their legs before being born.

He also explains that snakes don't completely lose their legs. They are present but cannot use them. Vestigial legs/organs are part of the evolution in which genetically determined structures remain in the body but have lost their function.

The video creator claims to want to help the snakes regain their legs because when other animals like cats and dogs lose their limbs, people help them by designing cyborg legs for them.

In the video, he explained his engineering techniques. His channel is known for content on technical know-how to make homemade exoskeletons, battle bots, and other innovations.

While he is no stranger to millions of views online, the snake video has gone viral. The video has received over 2 million views and over 1.1 lakhs likes so far.
