A screen capture of the mysterious string of lights spotted in the skies above Jammu and Punjab (Image Credit: via Twitter)

Mysterious lights in sky above Jammu and Pathankot trigger UFO speculation

Citizens in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir as well as Pathankot in Punjab were left mystified by a strange phenomenon witnessed in the night sky, as residents took to social media to share videos of a string of bright lights moving through the sky.

According to locals, the ray of mysterious lights darting through the sky was spotted at around 7 PM and was visible for five minutes. The sighting brought back memories of a very similar set of objects that were spotted in Gujarat's Junagadh in June this year, which were identical in terms of bright objects moving across the sky in a line. Upleta, and nearby regions of Saurashtra had also witnessed mysterious lights flickering in the night sky, triggering speculation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

Upleta, situated in the Rajkot district, had also reported bright fragments showering down after a loud booming sound which was later speculated to be a meteorite.

Refuting the theory of the unnatural light sighting being UFOs, Narottam Sahoo, Advisor at Gujarat Council of Science and Technology (GUJCOST) said it could have been due to some satellite passing through low earth orbit.

In May, frantic citizens in various American states reported a long string of lights in the night sky which astronomers later deduced was a train of Starlink satellites that were flying in low orbit. Starlink satellites were launched by Elon Musk's SpaceX as part of its Starlink internet service earlier this year. 
