Ex-US intelligence claims ‘we are not alone' but Govt hides info on extra-terrestrial objects

Washington: A former US intelligence officer David Grusch asserted that the American authorities have been concealing evidence of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), replacing the traditional term UFO.

Grusch's testimony revealed his strong belief that the government possesses materials from UAP crash retrievals and has been involved in a secretive reverse-engineering program spanning decades.

During the hearing, Grusch, who acted as a whistle-blower, disclosed  that he had reported the information to his superiors and multiple inspectors-general. However, when questioned about specific details, he cited classified information and declined to provide further comments in a public setting.

Grusch emphasized that the US government not only keeps this information hidden from the public but also from Congress. He claimed to have personally interviewed individuals with direct knowledge of non-human crafts, supported by compelling evidence in the form of photography, official documentation and classified oral testimony.

US Representative Tim Burchett expressed his support for Grusch's claims and highlighted the importance of government transparency. He stated that people could not trust a government that did not trust its citizens.

Despite these revelations, Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, testified earlier this year that the office had not found credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects defying known laws of physics.

Nevertheless, the US government has demonstrated a growing interest in the UAP issue in recent years. NASA held its first public meeting on UAPs in May, seeking a more rigorous scientific approach to understanding the origins of numerous mysterious sightings.

Furthermore, the Pentagon has taken the matter more seriously following a series of unexplained sightings reported by US Navy and Air Force pilots.
