US: man dies for 25 minutes, comes back to life miraculously

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US: man dies for 25 minutes, comes back to life miraculously

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US: A student of a British university reportedly died for 25 minutes before he became alive during a surgery at a US hospital. The student was inflicted with severe sunburn, and when he was subjected to surgery, he went into a clinical death, BBC reported.

The patient was identified as Charlie Vincent, and he got severe sun after too much exposure to the sun on his inaugural day as a canoeing instructor. He suffered second-degree burns on his legs due to sunburn.

At first, he was unaware of his burns, but later, pains started beyond what he could bear, and he was hospitalised. After that, doctors diagnosed that he was not only suffering from sunburn but pneumonia. Doctors performed emergency surgery, and his hurt stopped for 25 minutes, and he suffered a mini-stroke, BBC reports.

BBC learned from his family that it was only after 25 minutes that his heart restarted, and he described the incident as a miracle. Charlie's sister, Emily Vincent, said that he has an enlarged heart, also known as cardiomegaly, meaning the heart has to work harder than normal.

Following the surgery, doctors then put Vincent in an an induced coma for seven days and feared that he would have his heart and kidney transplanted. However, Vincent, along with his vital organs, recovered miraculously.

Emily said that she couldn't see how Charlie could recover back at one point.

"It was absolutely heart-breaking, it was hell. It's definitely a miracle that he's still here, I think the hospital he has been in has given him the most amazing care and without that," BBC quoted Emily.


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