How birth control pills work and what happens to a woman's body upon taking them, reveals an expert

Birth control pills are one of the many ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy with a 99.9% success rate. Most people, however, do not know how exactly they prevent pregnancy.

Most birth control tablets are combination pills that use a mix of hormones oestrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation. This will make sure there is no egg released in the monthly menstrual cycle and be available to be fertilised. Sometimes, the pill also makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus by thickening the mucus around the cervix. It can also occasionally alter the uterine lining which makes it hard for the egg to latch onto the uterus.

Dr Pratima Thamke, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital in Kharghar, told Hindustan Times that birth control pills can also address health issues like heavy menstruation, regularise cycles, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and hirsutism. However, it comes with risks and no one should take them without talking to a doctor.

More and more health experts have been lately taking to social media to discuss the ill effects of birth control pills on a woman's body.

The pill essentially tricks the body into thinking that it is pregnant and there is no need to release another egg. While this prevents accidental pregnancy, this has a major impact on the hormone system. You may also experience symptoms like nausea, headaches, cramping, breast tenderness, vaginal discharge, and decreased sex drive.

Several studies have linked the pill to mood disorders because the drug alters brain function. It increases the risk of anxiety and depression. However, substantial clinical evidence is low in this matter. On the other hand, many women have taken to social media to share their experiences after going off the pill and claimed that their mental health improved. They also said the way they perceive relationships and people changed significantly.

Birth control pills also have serious but rare side effects like blood clots, high blood pressure, liver tumours, higher breast cancer risk, cervical cancer risk, and vision problems.
