New Delhi: While delivering his keynote address at the 5th edition of VivaTech on Wednesday PM Modi claimed that innovation came to the rescue during as he highlighted India's major benefits for both investors and innovators.
"Covid-19 put many of our conventional methods to test. However, it was innovation that came to the rescue. By innovation, I refer to: Innovation before the pandemic. Innovation during the pandemic" he said.
"When I speak about innovation before the pandemic, I refer to the pre-existing advances which helped us during the pandemic. Digital technology helped us cope, connect, comfort and console. Through digital media, we could work, talk with our loved ones and help other."he added.
Inviting investors to the country, he said, "India offers what innovators and investors need.I invite the world to invest in India based on the five pillars of Talent, Market, Capital, Eco-system and Culture of openness"
Modi stated that the innovation for the pandemic refers to how humanity rose to the occasion and made the fight against it more effective and in this, the role of the country's start-up sector, has been paramount.
"India's strides in the world of tech and start-up are well-known. Our nation is home to one of the world's largest start-up eco systems. Several unicorns have come up in recent years," he said.
Further, citing India's reforms in different sectors, he added: "We, in India, implemented huge reforms across sectors, be it mining, space, banking, atomic energy and more. This goes on to show that India as a nation is adaptable and agile, even in the middle of the pandemic."