Terrorism should be seen as a threat for the forseeable future: India at UN

New York: Speaking at the UN General Assembly, India's Deputy Permanent Representative (Political Coordinator) to the United Nations, R Ravindra remarked that terrorism would continue to remain as the 'single , most crucial threat' against global peace and security. The remarks were made while sharing his views on the UN Secretary General's "Our Common Agenda" report.

He said that while the report places heavy emphasis on climate change and environmental issues, it did not do justice to the issue of terrorism, which was just as important an issue to counter.

"I am aware, of the importance, Secretary-General has placed on combatting terrorism and we commend the work of the UNOCT. But terrorism as a priority has been dealt with rather cursorily in the report," Ravindra said at the assembly.

The report by the UN focuses on its vision of the next 25 years and how it will shape relations between nations while reinvigorating inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism. The Secretary-General presented his report to the General Assembly in September 2021 before the end of the 75th session of the General Assembly. R. Ravindra hailed the report and underscored the importance of its message with respect to international relations today.

Ambassador Ravindra also noted that India was one of the few nations still on track to meet the G20 agreements but also that without developed nations moving towards greater efficiency, there would be no room for developing nations to grow. Without developed nations doing more to combat climate change and reduce their carbon footprint there was no point in efforts such as the Net Zero initiative he said.
