Starbucks fires staff for using company oven for his food

Starbucks has allegedly fired an employee for using the company oven to make his personal meal. In a viral TikTok video, the barista showed himself making a steak for his tacos. Later, he also wrote that he is no longer employed.

The video also showed what looks like a "notice of separation." In the beginning, it showed him in the process of preparing a steak at the Starbucks outlet meant to serve the customers. A later text showed that the barista wrote, "Goodbye Starbucks, that steak was fire." "Steak so scrumptious HR investigated me for the secret recipe," he added.

It has been the coffee chain's policy that employees are not allowed to reheat their personal meals in the company's ovens. A few years ago, an employee explained on Reddit that it is food and safety procedures.

The video went viral on social media and kickstarted a debate.

Many sympathised with the barista and said it is wrongful termination because reheating food is a harmless act. One user said it is "late stage capitalism". When someone asked how the management found out about the incident, the barista said, "a coworker tattled".
