The discovery was made by analyzing Mars' gravity field through data collected from multiple space missions and advanced...
This aligns with his long-term vision of human colonization of the Red Planet.
For the last three and half years, the rover was roaming around the bottom of the Jezero Crater
Recent calculations suggest that significant amounts of liquid water may be trapped in rocks 11.5 to 20 km below Mars'...
The naming celebrates the legacy of Professor Devendra Lal, who served as PRL's director from 1972 to 1983.
Authorities have confirmed that all Mars company products in their markets meet the technical regulations and approved...
The primary objective of this simulated mission is to prepare individuals for future space missions, particularly those...
The island's harsh conditions parallel the current state of Mars, making it a valuable proxy for scientific...
The rover found existence of ancient lake sediments deposited by water that once filled a basin in Jerezo Crator
The rotor-craft ended its mission exceeding all expectations, NASA said
These findings, thus, point to the possibility of Mars once having had Earth-like wet climate and that Mars may have...
The Perseverance's SuperCam Remote Micro-Imager, according to the institution, took the photo on June 23.
With the relative positions of Earth and Mars yesterday, signals from the spacecraft took around 17 minutes to reach...
NASA's Perseverance spacecraft discovered evidence that a swift, strong stream had carved its way into the Jezero...