Following the rebellion, Shiv Sena head Uddhav Thackeray removed Shinde from the post of leader based on "indulging in...
"CM Thackeray has left 52 Shiv Sena MLAs and his official residence but refuses to leave the NCP chief Sharad Pawar".
The Shiv Sena rebel Eknath Shinde said it is vital for the party to get out of the "unnatural alliance" with the NCP and...
The Enforcement Directorate is set to seek extended custody of former Maharashtra minister Anil Deshmukh in a money...
New Delhi: Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar has given a clean chit to Maharashtra Home Minister Anil...
After joining the NCP, former BJP leader Eknath Khadse said that if anyone wanted to use the Enforcement...