With songs like "In My City" and "Exotic," PC tried to show off her singing abilities, but she ultimately turned her...
“Gladiator”, which was released in 2000, starred Russell Crowe as Maximus Decimus Meridius, a Roman soldier forced into...
Heart of Stone, directed by Tom Harper, is the first instalment of a planned series modelled after Tom Cruise's Mission...
Later in the week, directors like Steven Spielberg and James Cameron fawned over the filmmaker casually known as 'SSR',...
He met with the accident while ploughing snow
Outside of North America, 'Avatar 2' has enjoyed the strongest turnout in China with $100.5 million, followed by Korea...
Previously, a seven-member jury ruled in Depp's favour on three separate claims of defamation, awarding him $10 million...
The upcoming film is based on the life of nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who is regarded as the ‘father of the...
Samuel was asked for his take on the debate regarding frequent collaborator Tarantino, who recently said on the '2...
During the chat, he declared that 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' is his "best movie" till date.
The honour is not only to remember her career but also a tribute to the struggles she faced in an era of "yellowface"...
Hollywood distribution giant Universal Studios has been dragged into controversy after two men filed a federal class...
Tech giant Apple is closing in to secure the rights for a speculated $130-140 million dollar racing film on the subject...
A second lawsuit has been filed against Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin who fired a gun on the set of the film 'Rust' which...