Many of the protestors are former members of the now-dissolved English Defence League, led by Tommy Robinson, a...
As Max Boot pointed out in the Washington Post, the British and French election results show that moderates from both...
Keir Starmer, the new PM of the UK, faces significant challenges, including reforms in the healthcare, public sector pay...
The UK Indian community's decreasing support for Labour is due to racialism's eradication from the Conservative Party,...
The result greeted more with relief than jubilation, reflects widespread fatigue with Conservative underperformance,...
While the victory of the Labour Party with its pro-refugee stance is a relief, the presence of racists is very dangerous
Sojan Joseph, hailing from Kaipuzha in Kottayam, a known hub for nursing professionals, is the youngest of seven...
Rishi Sunak's gamble on a snap election could spell disaster for the Tories, as they struggle with internal dissent and...
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's surprise decision to call an early election for July 4 comes amidst Tory turmoil,...
Sunak’s Conservative Party, defending 950 local council seats, lost over 450, with less than half going to Labour; while...
UK Deputy PM Dominic Raab has resigned from his position as Justice Secretary after months of allegations about bullying...
Ever since Indian origin Rishi Sunak became PM, Britain is said to be getting back to normalcy from the economic chaos...
The chair of the British Prime Minister has been in limbo for the last one year, despite the post being occupied by...
Many Liz Truss policies are red meat thrown to the Conservative members. Sunak has panned them as populist, unwise and...