Singular Computing asserts that Google unlawfully adopted and integrated his technology into various AI-driven...
The AI industry saw an average of two billion visits monthly over the past year, with a surge to 3.3 billion in the last...
The AI system that the researchers used for the study was a freely available artificial neural network trained to detect...
In the next year, businesses will transform the way they measure performance and productivity to focus on outcomes like...
The move towards AI integration is aimed at cutting costs, improving operational efficacy, and eliminating redundant...
One of the biggest impacts so far is on creating new medicines. Drug discovery requires combing through massive amounts...
Sources hinted at a novel chip venture in collaboration with Abu Dhabi-based G42.
Explore the dynamic impact of AI on diverse professions, from healthcare to education, recognizing the irreplaceable...
The Pegasus spyware, which hacked the phones of opposition leaders and journalists including in India, is capable of...
The project aims to provide responses to "previously impossible questions."
Systems such as Gmail, YouTube and Google Play rely on text classification models to identify harmful content including...
This delay coincides with recent internal changes at OpenAI, notably the temporary removal and subsequent reinstatement...
According to the list compiled by the UK Department of Education, management consultants and business analysts,...
It is an AI assistant equipped to handle real-time inquiries, assist in content creation, and execute tasks as directed...