She embodies the intensity of her cop character as she strides down a corridor, the perfect backdrop for this gripping...
The action comedy-crime drama follows the story of aristocratic Eddie (James) who inherits his family estate only to...
The series, which was initially titled "Rakhtabeej," stars Aditya Roy Kapur and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
The NCPCR has scheduled a meeting for next Monday to address this issue.
The Perfect Couple will be released on September 5.
This aligns with the company's plans to develop an in-house advertising technology platform, expected to launch by the...
"I think this movie does a good job of showing how AI could go incredibly wrong, and this is how it could go really...
The first look paints a compelling picture of pre-independence India bringing together an ensemble cast, with beautiful...
A recent Wall Street Journal article noted that widely available AI tools can suggest storylines, character arcs, and...
Lohan, best known for The Parent Trap and Mean Girls, earlier headlined Netflix's 2022 holiday romcom Falling for...
In Kollywood, an industry where prominent figures have openly criticized various issues, including educational reforms...
The Madhya Pradesh police have filed a case against actor Nayanthara, the director, and producers of the Tamil movie...
Netflix's true-crime documentary 'Curry and Cyanide' establishes the guilt of the accused which is yet to be judged by...
Wednesday ranks as Netflix's most popular English-language series with 252.1 m views.