Former and current employees cited reasons such as family responsibilities, pregnancy concerns, and higher absenteeism...
"In order to have sustainable development, Foxconn must have succession planning in place."
Foxconn stated that it had worked with Vedanta for more than a year to bring "a great semiconductor idea to reality",...
The construction of production plant in Telangana will start later this year and will go operational by the end of 2024
As well as assembling Apple’s headsets, Foxconn will devote the site to manufacture some parts of its upcoming electric...
Foxconn called the 'care and love' subsidy a 'pre-hiring' offer as workers would not be able to return until the...
In the difficult situation that continues for over a year, Apple reportedly expects lower shipments of its trendy iPhone...
Vedanta, an Indian oil-to-metals conglomerate and Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics giant are setting up a Ra 1.54 crore...