Andreas Mogensen, an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and commander of Expedition 70, unveiled...
The fiery flash on the sun's surface, classified as an X8-class flare, occurred on Thursday, sending ripples through...
The research also found a link between phthalate exposure before conception and alterations in women's reproductive...
Brown dwarfs, often referred to as 'failed stars,' occupy a unique position in celestial classification, straddling the...
Instead of allowing the sneeze to occur naturally or placing a finger beneath his nose, he squeezed his nose and closed...
The previous assumption was based on the notion that carbonated drinks, specifically those containing carbon dioxide...
Despite the distinct morphology, the dolphin displayed no signs of impairment, maintaining pace with its pod mates while...
The four test pilots from the Indian Air Force are currently undergoing mission-specific training at the Astronaut...
Omicron strain exhibited lower levels of persistent virus in the lungs compared to the original strain of SARS-CoV-2.
Despite the shower spanning from November 19 to December 24, the peak occurs on December 14 and 15 when Earth passes...
According to local media reports, doctors removed over forty live worms from her right eye and over ten from her left....
"Naming this crucial species after Beatrix Potter is a fitting tribute to her remarkable contributions and dedication to...
Somnium was written in Latin by Kepler in 1608 and published posthumously in 1634.
This unique leucistic alligator adds to the minuscule population of only seven surviving leucistic alligators globally,...