The UK is on the verge of next General Election amid several levels of allegations on Boris Johnson. Here lists the...
Besides strengthening the trade, the UK premier's India visit is to lure Labour Party-leaning Indian community to his...
What did ''a Jewish national home'' mean? Was it to be a fully sovereign nation? Perhaps it would be a province within...
The international law has been envisaged to guarantee a world of equity to make the world free from cruelty and...
Can a court use its jurisdiction to decide over a religious practice as not essential part by quoting a single source of...
The persistent economic crises, rising inflation, growing joblessness, arrogant forsaking of healthcare and denying...
Besides, BJP's promotion of religious tourism in a state where it has 82% Hindu population, the infighting in Congress...
There are countless examples of the Russian Military shelling civilian housing, demolishing flat blocks, which is only...
Maybe there will be innumerable principles as essentials and mandatory practices in a religion or with isms, it is up to...
If a vote of confidence is held, then Boris Johnson could win, retain his leadership of the party, and will be escaped...
NSO exists with the blessing of the Israeli Government. Many of its employees are former Mossad personnel. Tel Aviv is...
The students who were obstinate in their stand insisted on going to whatever extent needed to protect their...
Hindutva as an ideology was raised to its next level in India. By 2021 end, Muslim 'genocide' as an idea was effectively...
Is police discrimination conditioning social narrative to act against a particular community?