Building on the legacy of JP Dutta’s original Border, the sequel promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative...
Ganemat Sekhon and Bhavtegh Singh Gill won golds, registering Punjab’s dominance in skeet shooting at the 67th National...
He hinted at a possible move to Kochi, drawn by its inspiring environment and artistic community. “It feels like a place...
He was referring to Modi's attending Christmas celebrations in Delhi with Catholic bishops while VHP disrupts...
Meanwhile, police grilled Allu Arjun for more than three hours in the stampede and death case
The probe is venturing into uncharted territory, offering a closer look at the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the...
However, state police said that the organisers called off the plays, based on Nasreen's novel 'Lajja' (shame), on their...
The Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is being constructed 160 kilometers west of Dhaka with Russian state-owned corporation...
Scheduled for release next month, these measures will align closely with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s...
Her father added, "She is upset. She said, This shouldn’t happen. I don’t understand who is behind this and why.”
The Panama Canal remains critical to global trade, with its primary users being the United States, China, Japan, South...
People of the country are struggling with rising prices and are forced to compromise on small things related to daily...
She is trapped at a depth of approximately 150 feet, with her movements being closely monitored through a camera.
The Supreme Court, on November 29, directed the Sambhal trial court to suspend proceedings related to the Mughal-era...