It announced a Broadway musical adaptation of "Frozen," featuring Samantha Barks as Elsa, which will be released on...
HBO is also producing "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," which will take place one hundred years before the "Game of...
The target of the attack was Vienna’s Ernst Happel Stadium, where Swift was scheduled to perform on Friday and Saturday...
The landslides in Mundakkai and Chooralmala areas have resulted in 226 fatalities, with ongoing search-and-rescue...
The movie, which takes place in between the events of Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986), follows a group of young space...
The legal notice, sent through Ilaiyaraaja's counsel, emphasized that he retains absolute rights over all his original...
The restaurant is renowned for its healthy, millet-based versions of popular dishes such as noodles, parathas, fried...
Clarifying the situation, Adil told Hindustan Times that the tweet wasn't due to a genuine mistake but was intended as a...
On Sunday, the actor expressed his condolences and commitment to aid in the rehabilitation efforts through a heartfelt...
The director also suggested an alternative approach for filmmakers aiming to attract a younger audience unfamiliar with...
Despite the strike, analysts believe that major publishers like Electronic Arts and Take-Two may avoid significant...
He revealed that piracy leads to annual losses estimated at Rs 20,000 crores, severely undermining the hard work of...
The plan involved the actor "rappelling down from the top of Stade de France ... landing on the stadium field and...
Avengers: Secret Wars is scheduled for release in May 2027, while Avengers: Doomsday is aiming for a May 2026 release.