US recognises Juneteenth as National Day to celebrate end of slavery

Washington: The people of colour in the US will have a day to celebrate after President Joe Biden cleared a Bill into a Law recognising Juneteenth, the day  America had an official declaration ending slavery in the country back in 1865.

Signing the law in a jovial mood at a White House function, the President said that the US has no hesitation in reckoning the country's history no matter how shameful it was.

Juneteenth registers a day of jubilance for slaves in Galveston, Texas who could only come out of the slavery chain in 1865 though the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. For about two years, the Proclamation had been mute in Galveston, the last rebel state to free slaves, until 19 June 1865 when federal soldiers announced it.

With Biden's signing the day will be known as Juneteenth National Independence Day. Biden was reportedly full with a spirit of pride who said the great nations could not move ahead without realising and rectifying the mistakes they had done in the past.

He said he also feels the moment of recognising Juneteenth as one of the greatest honours for a president of few months. Kamala Harris, the first Black woman vice-president in US history, also remembered the Black lawmakers, whose diligent works seen the bill becoming a national law.

Kamala called the occasion historic for she termed the White House a building as a result of the blood and sweat of the enslaved. Black Americans are rejoicing at the move, but many say more is needed to address systemic racism.

Juneteenth also called Emancipation Day, or Juneteenth Independence Day, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, observed annually on June 19. Juneteenth is celebrated on Saturday, June 19, 2021.