To prevent starvation, Afghan man sells 10-year-old daughter

Afghanistan's Herat province is home to a man who married off his 10-year-old daughter for money to feed and keep his other children alive.

As a matter of survival, the desperate father requested a down payment from the family that bought his daughter.

As the girl's mother, Azizagul, explained: "I told my husband to bring food because my five children had no food, and he would frequently do so. But I asked him where he got the food from, and he said that he got it from the food cart. In return for our 10-year-old daughter, a family gives him food on a daily basis, he replied, according to Khaama Press News Agency.

Several destitute families in Afghanistan have recently taken such drastic measures to provide food for their families after being displaced as a result of conflict and made unemployed after foreign aids stopped. Residents of northern Badakhshan province reportedly prevented another man from selling two of his children in order to keep his family from starving on December 31.
