Babies in the womb maybe crying as mother eats foods it does not like

Flavours of the foods that a mother eats might draw in response on the face of fetus, says a study.

It takes just 20 minutes after the mother consuming a food for the fetus to respond to it with a smile or a grimace or a cry-face.

Researchers in England looked at faces of fetuses of around 100 women using 4D ultrasound scans after mothers were given different food capsules.

The study published in Sage Journal said that 35 women formed in an experimental group received an organic kale capsule, while other 35 took a carrot capsule.

Still more, 30 women were put into a control group without being exposed to either flavour.

Just 20 minutes into the experiment, ultrasound scans showed fetuses grimace at Kale, while carrots brought smile on the faces of others and the control group did not have either response.

The carrot flavor brought up in fetuses 'laughter-face' reactions, while kale flavor showed 'cry-face" reactions'," researchers wrote.

The study helps understand that fetuses have abilities to sense and discriminate different flavours in the earliest stage of life itself.

Researchers believe that repeated exposure to certain flavours while in the womb will lead to establishing food preferences after birth.

Getting exposed routinely to a vegetable like kale while in the womb, fetuses are more likely to tolerate or enjoy it later in life.

Mothers who eat healthy diets during pregnancy will have babies who are less fussy eaters, the study finds.
