UAE President commends climate advocates on World Environment Day

President Sheikh Mohamed lauded climate leaders and entrepreneurs for their contributions to a sustainable future in the UAE. During a meeting at Qasr Al Bahr in Abu Dhabi, the group showcased their green initiatives.

“On World Environment Day, the UAE celebrates the contributions of all those who champion environmental protection and strive to achieve collective progress in this field,” Sheikh Mohamed wrote on X.

He emphasized the importance of dialogue and collaboration in making the UAE a global hub for sustainability solutions.

The President stressed the need to empower individuals and communities to develop tools and methods for global environmental protection.

“Preserving the environment and its resources is a collective responsibility, both at the community level and globally,” he added.

Sheikh Mohamed reiterated the UAE's ongoing efforts with global partners to achieve the goals of the UAE Consensus, adopted at the Cop28 climate change conference in Dubai last year. This initiative aims to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems.

In May, the President recognized climate advocates for their expertise in helping the UAE host Cop28. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, also reaffirmed the country's commitment to environmental policies. In a social media post, he called on global partners to implement the UAE Consensus and urged youths to intensify climate action efforts.

“Through dialogue and collaboration, the UAE will continue to serve as a global convener for sustainability solutions in pursuit of a better future for all,” Sheikh Mohamed wrote.

Sheikh Mohammed added that environmental sustainability is crucial for development and progress.
