Springtime dawns today, UAE foresees longer days and warmer weather

Dubai: The March Equinox, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, occurs today in the UAE. This astronomical event is characterized by equal lengths of day and night, symbolizing the transition between seasons.

During the March Equinox, both day and night spans are approximately equal in duration. This phenomenon serves as a celestial indicator of the changing seasons, heralding longer days and warmer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere as spring arrives.

In the UAE and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere, the onset of spring brings longer daytime hours and rising temperatures, with temperatures already exceeding 30°C in recent days. Conversely, countries in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Argentina, Brazil and Chile, experience shorter days and cooler weather as they enter autumn.

Aaron Sigut, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Western Ontario, elaborates on the significance of the March Equinox. He explains that during this time, the Sun's apparent path in the sky follows the celestial equator, resulting in equal day and night lengths. As the equinox passes, days lengthen and the Sun's position at noon becomes increasingly elevated, marking the onset of spring and summer.

The equinox marks a brief period when the northern and southern hemispheres receive equal amounts of daylight. Subsequently, the Sun's trajectory continues to rise, leading to longer daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere.

Following the March Equinox, daylight hours will extend further until the Summer Solstice on June 21, when the Northern Hemisphere experiences its longest day of the year. The subsequent equinox, occurring on September 22, will initiate the transition to shorter days in the Northern Hemisphere and longer days in the Southern Hemisphere, signalling the onset of winter in the UAE.

Inputs from: The National
