Dubai launches new Nol card with Dh17,000 in discounts

A new Nol card offering discounts of up to Dh17,000 on various products and services was launched on Monday, June 10, aimed at tourists, residents and citizens. According to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), the Nol Travel Card can be used for public transportation, parking and other entertainment and experiences in Dubai.

The new card provides discounts ranging from five to 10 per cent at hotels, shops, adventure activities, entertainment facilities and other partner venues in the city. Initially, the Nol Travel Card will be available at Dubai International Airport (DXB) and select partner stores such as Zoom and Europcar.

Priced at Dh200 for the first year with a balance of Dh19, the card can be renewed for Dh150 per year. Existing Nol card users cannot switch to the new Nol Travel Card at this time, but RTA has indicated they may consider this option in the future.

“This card is aimed at fulfilling the need of customers, integrating public transportation and the city’s facilities through one card, making it one payment method with discounts exceeding 100 percent and with a value of over Dh17,000,” said Mohammed Al Mudharreb, CEO of the Corporate Technology Support Services Sector at RTA.

Salahaldeen Almarzouqi, director of the Automated Collection Systems Department, noted that the card will offer its own packages with various benefits and discounts.

“It is a physical card but we have the plan to add a digital card through a barcode. Nol Travel Card has its own advantages while other cards have different categories and benefits,” he said.

RTA will also study the possibility of transferring balances from existing Nol cards to the new Nol Travel Card in the future.

Amr Abdelsamad, managing director of MDX Solutions, mentioned that there are currently over 100 partners and facilities, including restaurants and entertainment venues, where the card is accepted, with plans to increase these numbers over time.
