UAE welcomes UN's decision to grant full membership to Palestine

The UAE has hailed the United Nations General Assembly's decision to endorse granting full membership to the State of Palestine as a crucial step towards peace and realising a two-state solution.

The vote signifies global recognition of Palestine's aspirations for statehood and highlights the international community's commitment to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through diplomatic means.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the UAE reaffirmed its unwavering dedication to promoting peace, justice and the rights of the Palestinian people. The UAE is steadfast in its support for the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian State, in line with relevant UN resolutions and agreements.

During an Emergency Special Session of the UNGA, the UAE, representing the Arab Group for the month of May, put forth the resolution advocating full UN membership for the State of Palestine.

The UAE has consistently urged the international community to intensify efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, emphasizing the importance of a two-state solution. By rallying support for Palestine's full membership in the UN, the UAE aims to catalyze diplomatic efforts towards peace and stability in the region.
