New Delhi: BJP leader Ramesh Bhiduri made a controversial remark, including Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, on Sunday while addressing an event here. Bhiduri, a BJP candidate for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections, promised that he would make the roads in his constituency, Kalkaji, as smooth as Priyanka’s cheeks if he were elected, India Today reported.
The former BJP MP said that Lalu Yadav had once famously claimed that he would make roads in Bihar as smooth as Hema Malini’s cheeks but didn’t deliver the promise. But he will ensure that every road in Kalkaji is made as smooth as Priyanka’s cheeks, like how roads in Okhla and Sangam Vihar were transformed.
Congress used the chance to lash at BJP, accusing the party of harbouring an anti-woman mindset. Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate called Bidhuri’s comments 'shameful' and reflective of a "disgusting mentality" towards women.
"BJP is extremely anti-women. Ramesh Bidhuri's statement regarding Priyanka Gandhi is not only shameful but also shows his disgusting mentality. What else can be expected from a man who abused his fellow MP in Parliament without facing any punishment?" she wrote on X.
She said that BJP should seek Priyanka Gandhi's forgiveness with folded hands.
Meanwhile, senior Congress leader Pawan Khera said that Bidhuri's remark reflects the values of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the ideological parent of the BJP. He said that the BJP leader’s rudeness doesn’t just show his mentality but also shows his owners.
“From top to bottom, you will see the values of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in these petty leaders of BJP," India Today quoted Pawan Khera.
Bidhuri had passed problematic remarks in the past, too. IN 2023, he made a communal remark against then_BSP MP Danish Ali in the Lok Sabha, and he was caught on camera. He stated later that he wished to express regret over his comment to Ali.