Police arrested 3 for killing a lovely Great Indian hornbill

Wokha: The great Indian hornbill is a real eye candy—could somebody ever imagine to kill one?

A video emerged on Wednesday from Nagaland's Wokha district show locals torturing to death a beautiful great Indian hornbill.

What with its black casque on top of its bill, prominent eyelashes, its smooth black plumage—Indian hornbill is a real knockout to watch.

The horrifying video shows a man hitting and stepping on the bird's neck with his foot, according to India Today.

Police have arrested three people under the Wildlife and Arms Act for killing the bird. The three arrested will not be released on bail.

The video outraged netizens and animal rights activists on social media.

Police quickly arrested those involved in the act and tools used in catching the bird and parts of the bird were also recovered, according to the report.

The Great Indian Hornbill, already on the IUCEN Red List as vulnerable in 2018, occurs in the Indian subcontinent.

The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill 2021 regulates the protection of wild animals, birds and plants.
