Pradeep Chaudhary, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA, has come under scrutiny after a video surfaced on social media on Friday, November 29, showing him rejecting a complaint from a Muslim man named Fazlu about an issue with a local ration dealer in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh.
In the video, Chaudhary is seen sitting in his office as Fazlu tries to explain his condition. The MLA interrupts him to enquire his name, and when he learns it, he refuses to assist. He states, “I will not be able to recommend you. I did not get a single vote. I fed you lots of cashews, pistachios, and almonds, but still, you did not vote for me.”
The clip rapidly went viral, causing outrage and raising major concerns about how elected leaders handle their voters, particularly in terms of communal relations, Siasat Daily reported.
Critics claim that such action exemplifies a worrying trend among political leaders who ignore their obligations to serve all citizens equally, regardless of voting history.
The BJP has long faced criticism for how it treats Muslims, particularly in terms of political representation and support. According to reports, many Muslims face bias from BJP personnel, who claim they can only aid individuals who voted for the party.
This episode has fuelled debate on the need for politicians to fulfil their responsibilities to all citizens without discrimination on religion or electoral preferences.