Hyderabad: Hyderabad police have filed a criminal case against film actor Venkatesh and his family members in connection with the demolition of the Deccan Kitchen Hotel in Film Nagar. The case was registered under the direction of a city court.
The FIR has named producer Daggubati Suresh as accused number one (A1), his brother Daggubati Venkatesh as A2, Suresh’s son and actor Daggubati Rana as A3 and Rana’s brother and producer Daggubati Abhiram as A4. The charges include trespass and criminal conspiracy under Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 448, 452, 458, and 120B.
The case follows an order from the Nampally court, which directed the police to act on a complaint by Nanda Kumar, who accused the Daggubati family of illegal demolition activities. The complainant claimed that despite a pending injunction from the City Civil Court and orders from the Telangana High Court, the accused unlawfully entered the premises and caused extensive damage with the assistance of anti-social elements.
The demolition incident occurred in November 2022 when the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) partially demolished the hotel and adjoining structures built by Nanda Kumar, who is linked to the alleged poaching of TRS MLAs. The land, leased from the Daggubati family, was subject to legal disputes, with Nanda Kumar filing a complaint before the High Court, which had ordered maintaining the status quo.
In January 2024, the Daggubati family carried out a complete demolition of the structure, prompting Nanda Kumar to approach the Nampally Court, alleging violation of court orders. He claimed a loss of Rs 20 crore due to the demolition and vandalism. The court subsequently directed the police to investigate the matter and register the case.
The legal proceedings are ongoing, and the court's decision on Saturday prompted police action in the case.
With IANS inputs