The measure faced significant opposition as both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, along with President Joe Biden,...
The attempts to silence dissenting voices in a democracy by using the very institutions of democracy, shouldn’t go...
Tlaib defended her stance before the vote, emphasizing that her criticisms were aimed at the Israeli government and its...
Chinese and Indian manufacturers receive the most FDA warning letters, and that these violations have included...
Modi will address a joint session of the US Congress on June 22 during his official state visit to the country.
The Diwali Day Act, when passed by the Congress and signed into law by the President, would make the festival of lights...
The Republican leader broke presidential custom by withholding the records, setting off feverish speculations about what...
The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced that former Twitter security head Zatko will appear before the Senate over...
California: Putting a 14-year career in Facebook to rest, Sheryl Sandberg has announced her step down as chief operating...
Washington: A resolution to posthumously award Mahatma Gandhi with the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal, in...