The solar magnetic field follows a distinct pattern, with sunspots appearing and disappearing every 11 years, making the...
The Chromospheric Magnetism Explorer (CMEx) mission would attempt to understand the magnetic nature of solar eruptions...
While this storm event is under close observation, it is important to note that it is expected to be relatively mild,...
The total travel time from launch to L1 would take about four months for Aditya-L1 and the distance will be about 1.5...
This scientific breakthrough leverages physics-informed neural networks, an AI approach that mimics the neural functions...
A new hypothesis has recently been put forth that contends life originated as a result of solar explosions.
Buenos Aires: An astronomer from Argentina has clicked a structure on the surface of the Sun that looked like a plasma...
The Sun did not shed a chunk of it as being reported and what was spotted was a normal "solar prominence" activity on...
McIntosh described the prominence as a "hedgerow in the solar plasma". It appears exactly at the 55-degree latitude...
It may mean a solar storm - a triple stream of solar wind - is hitting the earth on Saturday.
Nasa has created history as its ambitious Parker Solar Probe has become the first spacecraft to have...