This experiment aims to detect anti-matter particles potentially linked to dark matter, exploring energy ranges...
The new finding was based on data from the American space agency NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
The protoplanetary disk's edge-on orientation offers an exceptional perspective for studying its structure and...
The goal is to study "ocean worlds," including Europa and Enceladus, icy moons believed to have conditions suitable for...
The planet belongs to a rare category of “hot Neptunes”, which are small in size, close to their stars, and have...
'Thanksgiving', celebrated annually in the US on the fourth Thursday of November, is a time to express gratitude for...
To confirm the origin of these carbon-based molecules, scientists stress the need for a Mars Sample Return mission.
In such a scenario, only one side of the Earth would ever face the Moon, mirroring the mutual tidal locking seen in the...
Charged solar particles interacting with Earth's magnetic field and upper atmospheric gases produce the northern lights,...
Media reports suggested that Williams is facing a health crisis after her prolonged stay on the ISS; a picture showed...
Around 24 billion kilometres away, the spacecraft had lost contact with NASA last month
Through ongoing international collaboration, the Accords aim to ensure the safe and sustainable exploration of space for...
Europa’s environment contains the key conditions for supporting life: water, energy, chemistry, and stability.
NGC 5248 is classified as a ‘grand design’ spiral galaxy, known for its clear spiral arms and a subtle bar structure at...