The petitioner from the Punjamon Illam known for its lineage, alleged that the portrayal of 'Kunjumon Potty' played by...
The ARDs had distributed the food kits on the orders of the government which had promised them commission at specified...
On December 14, a special fast-track POCSO court in Kattapana cleared the 23-year-old youth, who was the only person...
It is the right of a citizen to have a pleasing environment and any action by perpetrators to defy this for selfish and...
In her plea, the victim, who is a prime accused in the solar panel scam, challenged the court’s decision to accept the...
The Kerala Human Rights Commission has submitted its report to the High Court and the Home Department
Justice Devan Ramachandran made the observation while looking into a family court order, which had dismissed a divorce...
In the Muslim community, ‘Khula’ is a divorce with the consent and at the instance of the wife, in which she gives or...
Saree was the norm for women and from now on salwar-kameez or blouse/shirt with full-length trousers or skirts have now...
The High Court spoke to the Controller of Examinations and the Principal of the college to ascertain the feasibility of...
The petitioner, K. C. Unni, claimed that the probe agency's investigation into the accident that took place in the state...
Emphasizing the need for reformation and rehabilitation of convicts, the court said, "A person who has undergone a...
As the couple could not arrive at a consensus on the name, the mother approached the High Court. The child was born on...
According to petitioners, out of the 81 houses constructed, many have become dilapidated, and nearly Rs.24,00,000 will...