The deportations came following clashes over the weekend, involving asylum seekers, and the UN refugee agency warned it...
It is interesting that Israel, which was born through dubious means by flouting all the world's democratic norms, has to...
Demonstrators, who have been out protesting for more than two months against the overhaul, launched a “day of resistance...
The veterans said the legal officials are the "final line of defense" and urged them to "do everything in reach to stop...
According to Netanyahu, "the coalition agreements do not permit discrimination against LGBTs or to harm their rights to...
The approach used by Netanyahu is hardly the way to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. There is a strong possibility that...
Netanyahu's right-wing party had a commanding lead with 64 seats in the 120-member Knesset after 99 per cent of the...
He has scheduled a meeting to discuss "the captives and MIAs" - two Israeli men and the remains of two Israeli Defense...